Tuesday, January 8, 2008

More Plagiarism at Fudan University

Looks like there will be more news from Fudan University. On the heels of its much publicized disciplinary actions, more plagiarism cases are being exposed. An anonymous author wrote to New Threads that a textbook by Professor Kong Aiguo (孔爱国), was entirely translated from David Luenberger's Investment Science.

Kong's book was first published in China in 2003, before Luenberger's book was introduced in China. To his credit, Kong stated in the foreword of his book that the material of his book came from lecture notes and his lecture notes came from current lectures from abroad, especially Luenberger's Investment Science.

But Kong's book did not just take the material from Luenberger. The book was actually a chapter-by-chapter translation of Luenberger's book, except that Kong omitted the original Chapters 5 and 11.

Meanwhile, Luenberger's book had also been independently translated and published in China in 2005.

There is also evidence on the internet that Professor Kong had coauthored an earlier textbook that was also plagiarized from Economic Growth.

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